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Integrated Flight Test 4 Set For Thursday Morning

Starship: SpaceX's Gargantuan Rocket to Take Fourth Test Flight

Integrated Flight Test 4 Set for Thursday Morning

Highly Anticipated Flight Test to Show Progress Towards Operational Readiness

SpaceX's Starship, the gargantuan rocket under development by Elon Musk's company, is scheduled to take its fourth integrated flight test on Thursday morning. The highly anticipated test flight, known as IFT-4, will be a crucial milestone in the program to bring Starship to operational readiness and make progress towards its eventual goal of carrying humans to Mars.

Starship has been in development for several years, and SpaceX has already conducted three integrated flight tests of the massive rocket. The first three tests were successful, but they were also limited in scope. For example, the first test flight did not include the rocket's first-stage booster, known as Super Heavy.

IFT-4 will be the first test flight to include both the Starship spacecraft and Super Heavy. The test flight will also be the first to attempt a landing of the Starship spacecraft. SpaceX has previously landed the Super Heavy booster, but the Starship spacecraft has yet to make a successful landing.

If IFT-4 is successful, it will be a major milestone for SpaceX and will bring the company closer to its goal of sending humans to Mars. Starship is the largest and most powerful rocket ever built, and it is designed to carry both cargo and humans to Mars and other destinations in the solar system.
